Monday, January 31, 2011

~You're Contagious!!!~

You are your own man, right? Maybe not. New research shows that your friends' trait maybe rubbing of on you - an vice versa. Here's how to catch the good stuff and avoid the bad.

1)Absorb Happiness
Good feeling can jump three degrees of separation. Some guy you don't know could cheer up one of his friends, and then that would reach you - and improve your mood more than and extra $10000 in yearly income you would. Your move tell your most upbeat friends that you want to meet more of their friends. Then keep up with new people you meet. People at the core of social network - who have most friend of friends - are most likely to be happy.

2)Ward off loneliness
People who feel disconnected often alienate their remaining friends. It could start a domino effect: if you lose a friend, you may start to withdraw as well. Your move don't blame yourself for losing touch with friends. We lose about half of our close friend every seven years. If you feeling lonely back on better days: Nostalgia bolsters feelings of support by reminding you of what were, for the most part, happy time. It can also remind you met friends in the past and motivate you to do it again.

3)Avoid obesity
If a guy gains weight, there's a good chance his friends will do the same. "Men look to other men for clues about acceptable body sizes. Your move you wouldn't ditch a buddy who ballooned, but you can control when and where you eat with him. People eat more if a nearby stranger is overeating. The urge grow if that glutton is a pal. So steer your crew to restaurants that serve smaller portions.

4)Boost sex appeal
"Woman judge men, in large part, by other woman see them." Woman find a man more attractive if all their girl friend like him, too. Your move If you're on the hunt, bring your female friends and stay in the group for a while so that others in the bar see you all together. A guy surrounded by woman look better than a guy standing alone.

2007, 2008, 2009; Dr. Christakis; Journal of Personality and Social Physichology

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