1)How long is her ring finger?
If it's roughly the same length as her pointer finger, she's a good negotiator. If her ring finger is is much longer than her pointer finger, she's like to direct. Ideally, she's what you're not: In this case, opposites attract (Helen Fisher, Ph.D; Professor of biological anthropology at Rutgers).
2)What do her parent do for a living?
If both of her parents worked when she was a kid, she maybe more likely to expect that dynamic with you. On other hand, if her mother's stayed home, she's more incline to want to do that as well (Nancy Slotnick; founder of Cablight. com).
3)Does she laugh at your joke?
If she just doesn't understand you, or vice versa, you two maybe on different intellectual levels. And if that's the case, you probably won't be happy in the long term. Find out if she likes the same book or music; these are indicators of intellectual compatibility (Nancy Slotnick; founder of Cablight. com).
4)How does she vacation?
If a certain activity, like skiing or beach bumming, has become part of your life style, then it's important that she be willing to try it. "Free time is quality time, and you want to be spending it together" (Seth Mayer, Psy.D; Los Angeles clinical psychologist).
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